Marriage Agreements
Lawyers for Marriage Agreements in Greater Vancouver
The family lawyers at Bronson Jones Gray & Company LLP can draft a marriage agreement to protect your interests. We can also periodically review the agreement and make recommendations about amendments that may be appropriate based on changing circumstances. For a consultation, call us (toll-free) at 1-855-852-5100.
The prospect of getting married is both exciting and romantic, but marriage does not survive on excitement and romance alone. After the excitement of the wedding dissipates, you may find that you and your spouse disagree about important matters relating to the family (i.e., handling finances, the acquisition and disposition of property, issues relating to children and parenting, etc.). A marriage agreement can be instrumental in identifying these potential areas of dispute and providing clarity with respect to how these issues will be resolved if/when they arise. Terms of spousal support and division of property upon the dissolution of the marriage can also be addressed.
The amount of weight that a Court will give to a marriage agreement during a divorce proceeding will vary. Relevant factors include the age of the agreement, whether significant changes have arisen that did not exist at the time that the marriage agreement was made, and whether the agreement was drafted properly by a family lawyer who was present during the negotiation, drafting, and signing of the agreement.